Microplastics are a diverse and ubiquitous contaminant, a global change driver with potential to alter ecosystem properties and processes. Microplastic-induced […]
Categoria: Universidades
Recycled Glass as Aggregate for Architectural Mortars
The possibility of recycling mixed colour waste glass as it is for manufacturing decorative architectural mortars, has been investigated. In […]
Application of amphoteric polymers in the process of leather post-tanning
Tanning is one of the oldest industries in human history. During the tanning process, raw hides are transformed into leather […]
Analysing for 4,4′-diaminodiphenylmethane in heritage collections containing solid and medium density fexible linear polyester polyurethanes using liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry
Polyurethane (PUR) shoe soles from collections held by the Alfred Gillett Trust, stored for up to 50 years, were analysed […]
The infuence of a swab type on the results of point-of-care tests
Most point-of-care tests (POCT) use swabs for sampling and/or for applying a sample on the test. A variety of swabs […]